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Behind the Scenes: Say Something with A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera arranged by Dan Romer
Apple: iPhone Jingle with Rob Simonsen
Coke: Super Bowl Jingle with Robert Miller (Fox)
Haiti Recording Project with Chris Lennertz and Lucas Richman
House of Cards Season 2 Trailer with Jeff Beal (Netflix)
Behind the Scenes: How I Met Your Mother with John Swihart (CBS)
Behind the Scenes: Lineage with Joey Newman
Live Recording Session: Lineage with Joey Newman
Nike: Jingle featuring Kobe Bryant with Jason Johnson (Stimmung)
Behind the Scenes: Revolution with Chris Lennertz (NBC)
Rosario Trailer with Albert Chang (East West Studios)
Wells Fargo Holiday Jingle with Greg Chun (Hum Studios)
Behind the Scenes: The Wind Gods with Pinar Toprak (at WB)